Exciting Update: Our Name Change to Aotearoa Disability Law Incorporated
Dear ADL members and community,
I am pleased to inform you that, following the motion passed at our AGM on November 18th, Auckland Disability Law Incorporated has officially changed its name to Aotearoa Disability Law Incorporated. This change reflects our expanded role as a national disability law centre, in alignment with our Strategic Plan. ADL is the only CLC in Aotearoa that solely provides disability related legal services, legal education and legal activities within the Deaf and disability community. We provide all our services free of charge.
The ADL strategic plan, drafted and consulted on during 2022 and 2023, has paved the way for this important change. Throughout this consultation process, we received no feedback opposing our transition to a national service. This name change is a direct outcome of our vision for the future of ADL, and we are excited to have formally adopted it as of Wednesday, December 4th.
As part of our ADL community, your contributions have been vital in bringing us to this milestone. Many of you supported the organisation’s founding, and it is thanks to the efforts of our community that we are able to achieve our aspiration of becoming a truly national organisation.
This change is a significant step forward for ADL, and ADL is deeply grateful for your ongoing support.
Ngā mihi
Geraldine Lewis
General Manager
Aotearoa Disability Law
Welcome to Aotearoa Disability Law
Aotearoa Disability Law (ADL) provides free legal services to disabled people associated with their disability related legal issues. ADL is the only specialist disability law community law centre in Aotearoa New Zealand.
ADL provides legal education on disability law in the community and within disability and legal organisations. We work with the Disability and Deaf communities through our community engagement and law reform activities.
ADL’s office is open Monday to Friday, 9am to 4pm. We see clients by appointment only. If you are unable to attend the office then we are still able to assist and will be in contact as appropriate.
In the first instance please contact us either by phone at 09 257 5140, email info@adl.org.nz or text 027 457 5140 (text only). Please provide us your contact details and indicate if the issue is urgent and we will be in touch as soon as possible to handle your matter.
Use the menus above or click on the links below to access our resources
Welcome to ADL’s Website – NZSL Video
Aotearoa Disability Law Strategic Plan – Disability Law 2028
Aotearoa Disability Law is pleased to share our finalised Strategic Plan with you. We would like to thank our members and stakeholders who participated in the consultation on our draft Strategic Plan, attending our meetings and also providing their feedback, contributing to making this draft document the finalised Strategic Plan attached here:
ADL Strategy Easy Read Version *
Draft Strategic Plan – NZSL Version
*Please Note: When you download the document, the file should be on the top right of your screen. Click on the file to open it. If the links for word documents are not working in Google Chrome, please use another web browser to open it. Alternatively please contact info@adl.org.nz and we will email you the documents”
Aotearoa Disability Law’s assessment of proposed Accessibility Legislation
Hello from Aotearoa Disability Law.
We are pleased to share with you our assessment of the disability access legislation that is expected to be introduced into Parliament in July.
Most of you will be aware that Deaf and disabled people and our supporters have for a long time been calling for better accessibility so we can fully participate in all aspects of society. This covers areas such as public buildings and facilities, the urban environment, education, retail, services, information and culture. The current Labour Government, in its 2020 election manifesto said it would “introduce an Accessibility for New Zealanders Act to help New Zealand to become more welcoming and accessible for disabled people and other New Zealanders with accessibility needs”.
This new legislation is nearly here. It will have a profound impact for many years on how we as deaf and disabled people participate in society. But will it meet our expectations?
ADL decided to address this by publishing our own independent assessment of the current law and the steps the Government will take to make New Zealand more accessible. The Government has not widely shared detailed information such as draft legislation for comment, but we have been able to base our findings on a number of public sources of information that gives some clear indications of what to expect. We feel it is better that deaf and disabled people and our supporters start thinking now about the ramifications of the proposed legislation, than wait until it is revealed at the Select Committee stage.
You can access the paper, as well as a summary of it, in various formats here:
- Accessibility Legislation – An Initial Critique – Auckland Disability Law (Word Format) *
- Accessibility Legislation – An Initial Critique – Auckland Disability Law (PDF Format)
- Summary of ADL’s Accessibility Report (Word Format) *
- Summary of ADL’s Accessibility Assessment (NZSL Version)
ADL has no formal position on access legislation and this paper makes no recommendations. Rather, it is an independent objective assessment, based on legal research into the publicly available information, by an experienced disability lawyer contracted by us for this work. We hope it will help deaf and disabled people and our supporters be better informed about the proposed disability access legislation. Please feel free to share it in full with your networks.
Auckland Disability Law (ADL) is a Community Law Centre that provides free legal services to disabled people to help with their disability related legal issues.
Clive Lansink , Chair, Auckland Disability Law Incorporated
*Please Note: When you download the document, the file should be on the bottom left of your screen. Click on the file to open it. If the links for word documents are not working in Google Chrome, please use another web browser to open it. Alternatively please contact info@adl.org.nz and we will email you the documents”
Aotearoa Disability Law Privacy Policy
ADL Privacy Policy-Word Format
Bullying and Harassment Zero Tolerance Statement
At ADL we are committed to maintaining a safe and respectful working environment for our staff and people associated with our community law centre. We have a zero-tolerance policy towards bullying and harassment in any form. This statement serves as a reminder about the standards of behaviour expected when interacting with ADL.
Thank You To Our Funders And Supporters
Thank you to all our wonderful funders and supporters for donating your funding, your time and your resources to enable Auckland Disability Law to provide free legal services to Deaf and Disabled New Zealanders.
Our Funders and Supporters