Presentations from The Conversation:  Supported Decision Making Hui.

Please click on the links below for resources from many of the excellent presentations and workshops presented at The Conversation:  Supported Decision Making Hui.

Choice In Community Living

Presenter : Ainsley Darvell, Community Lifestyle Manager, Te Roopu Taurima

This session is from a manager’s perspective when setting up a new service. It will cover how plans can be put in place to include opportunities to use supported decision making, overcoming road blocks in the process, and recruiting and training staff.

Hear our Voices we Entreat

Presenters : Jan Moss, Co-ordinator, Complex Care Group with Gillian Wright and Lisa Holten

An insight into ways to communicate effectively with cognitively impaired, non-verbal adult family members

Supported Decision Making and Mental Health Workshop

Presenters : Kieran Moorhead, Communications Manager, Changing Minds, Margaret Lockhart,  Programme Design & Delivery Specialist, Mental Health Foundation and Merle Lambert, Supporting Families

Practical discussion aimed at family and whanau, to talk about how to support someone who is at a particularly vulnerable point in their life and how to utilise perhaps an advance directive, a Health and Disability Advocate, or Legal Aid.

“My Life. My Decisions.”

Presenters : Alex  Snedden, Northern Region Vice-President, Hamish Taverner, Central Region President & National Chairperson, Jodie Turner, Midland Region President and Hazel Penton all from People First New Zealand Inc. Ngā Tāngata Tuatahi

This session focuses on stories of those making the decisions and how these support networks can be initiated, developed and facilitated.

Overview of Article 12, UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

Presenter : Paul Dickey, Senior Advisor, Office for Disability Issues

Putting People Receiving Services in the Driver’s Seat

Presenters : Helen Peterson, Advocacy Leader and Joanna Bowers, Participant Advisory Panel from Spectrum Care

Topics included advocacy, assessments and a working advocacy group which provides feedback on policies, procedures and policies.

Using Visual Supports to Assist Supported Decision Making

Presenter : Ann Smaill, General Manager, TalkLink Trust

Tools to assist disabled people and people with experience of dementia to make decisions. These tools also provide an effective way to document the decisions made. This session will include a demonstration and discussion around how visual strategies can be used, and by who.

Technology to Enable Supported Decision Making

Presenter : Tania Thomas, CEO, Te Roopu Taurima

Introducing an E-learning app for support workers to learn strategies on how to implement and engage in supported decision making with their clients.


Presenters : Vui Mark Gosche, Chief Executive, Palenatete Lam Sam and Tina Mataiti from Vaka Tautua

Vaka Tautua discuss the way Pacific people work collectively to support family members with disabilities. They will use their experience as a DIAS provider; and talk about their financial capability programme which helps the whole family to work together to manage money. This programme has helped families to work together to improve their financial situation which has in turn made a big difference to the well-being of the family.